Use new tools to create your own Honda, Toyota videos

At we make video reviews of new Honda and Toyota models for dealers to use on their websites and in emails. For those who want to make their own videos, though, most of them can be done on a smartphone.

Let's not forget that we always have a good camera in our pockets. Make use of it. Start shooting and keep at it, and you'll get there. Sometimes, someone on your team may know how to edit videos, which will make the production value go up a lot! 

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Besides that, you can use a lot of simple free tools to make videos. These can make high-quality videos and don't need any technical know-how. BigVu, Canva, and Filmora are apps that can help.

You can also hire a marketing or video company. Hire a firm if you have some money to spend on marketing. They will take care of all your problems. They will know how to carry out all of these ideas, plus maybe some of their own. 

Or you can also do both of these things at the same time. Ads are one of the above ideas that should go through a firm. Other ideas, like a welcome video, can be filmed on a smartphone. 

If you have a lot of people, it might be hard to make all the videos you need. That's why a tool like Plainly that automates video can help you. Not just with technology, but also with making things more unique. Plainly will put your customer information into a video template for you instantly, and it will also make videos that are unique to each customer. 

If you would like to learn more about using video at your dealership, please reach out to Doug Thompson at (954-629-2242), or visit his calendar to set up a demo with him.